5535-2017 is a sculpture/chandelier of 5,535 clear glassine baggies stuffed with a one-inch crystal bead to represent each person who lost their life to heroin/opiate addiction in Pennsylvania alone in 2017. Each of the 5535 crystal-filled baggies were then strung onto varying lengths of monofilament (fishing line) that hung from the ceiling of the museum. Participants involved were: people with community service hours assigned to BWTL thru the Montgomery County ARD program, family and friends of those who live with substance use disorder, and people in recovery. This sculpture won First Prize in the Sculpture category at Art of the State in Harrisburg, PA 2018. The sculpture also won the Purchase Prize Award, making it part of the permanent State Museum of Pennsylvania collection.
This sculpture was made in reference to the Opiod Epidemic that has affected our family as well as hundreds of thousands probably more like millions of other families and people across the nation and world.
You can read more about it here https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/art-advocacy-maria-maneos-incarceration-opioid-crisis-paula-cahill/